There are four main generational categories that marketers tend to focus on. They include:
- Millenials or Generation 2001ers, born after 1980;
- Baby Busters or Generation Xers born between 1965 and 1980;
- Baby Boomers born between 1946 and 1964;
- Mature Citizens born between 1909 and 1945.
Tweens are a youthful generation that can be categorised in the Millenials or Generation2001ers and fit into the 8-14 age bracket. It has been identified by marketers and advertisers that this segment is a popular and successful target audience as they tend to follow any fashion trend set for them, they no longer see themselves as children and are believed to be growing up too fast, although marketers use this sense of 'maturity' and 'sophistication' in order to place products in the eyes of the tween consumer to convince them that they need the product in order to appear 'older' and cultivate a sophisticated self-image.
At this stage in their life, a tween will face many tough and life-changing obstacles such as the transition from primary school to secondary school which to many, if not all, may find highly daunting and unappealing, moving away from the safety and familiarity they have known, to leaving friends behind, having to get to know new people and make new friendship groups. They are also at the age where they will be approaching puberty, may be given more responsibilites such as getting themselves to and from school on their own and becoming latch-key kids. They may also be exposed to dangerous behaviours such as drugs, sex and more, participated in by their peers and even forced to experience this themselves as a result of peer-pressure and wanting to 'fit in'.
There are many issues asociated with marketing and advertising to Tweens by convincing them that they are mature, independant consumers and therefore removing parents from the picture. This is a dangerous aspect, especially in today's society with the impact of youth culture and intimidating behaviour posed by youngsters to members of all communities by making them "vulnerable to potential unhealthy messages about body image, sexuality, relationships and violence" (Media Awareness Network).
An article found in Personnel Today written by Dr Wolfgang Seidl, Executive Director of The Validium Group Ltd, clearly defines Generation Y and the specific charateristics that the members of this generation posses in relation to careers and opportunities in order to "develop or prove themselves." This is in particular comparison to their parents, Generation X or baby boomers, who tend to fit their lifestyle around a career rather than fitting work around their lives. The findings in this article may suggest a direct link to marketing and advertising in the way that members of Generation Y may have less responsibilities in a way that gives them a higher personal disposable income, they may still live at home so will spend more money on products specifically aimed at them through advertising in order to define themselves as an individual or fit in with a certain group. In comparison, members of Generation X will be focussing on saving money and only making purchases that are absolutely necessary such as grocery shopping or replacing durable household products such as furniture and electrical goods. This Generation may be influenced by such marketing communications that deliver an image of good value by certain money deals or ones that will guarantee that the product has a long life. Consumers of this generation are more likely to be brand loyal, sticking with a specific brand that they are familiar with and trust.
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Excellent discussion - full use of blogger functionality - great job!
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